Symptoms of diarrhea and the treatment of diarrhea
Isthtr one health problem may Akhalha At first glance, the case of
transient and problem solve on their own ... However, in some times, the
problem starts simple and compounded, as a result of neglect and
disregard of, or even because of ignorance and Altanase, to become a
disease with tails ominous. Even the simplest cases become sick disease requires treatment and medication. Not all people authorized to make doctors diagnose and evaluate the firm. No
right to give others some recipes random treatment, once the method has
succeeded with them once, for example, because every body is different,
and requires specific prevention and treatment. On
the other hand, each disease has a hidden phenomenon and its causes,
although some diseases are similar in symptoms outwardly, but inwardly
with different causes. Thus, you must find the right drug her, and the best way to eliminate them. Diarrhoea, constipation, for example, the most prominent of which may affect humans through a typical day. The
Isthtr Ieiarhama them or importance, but only suffered some discomfort
and continue the daily routine ... but in some cases, this may be the
problems that affect the intestine are related to what is more serious
than just a «cold» or «food poisoning». So do not be taking medications at random and try to solve it ourselves spontaneously, but must visit the doctor.Explains Dr. Assad oppressed, specialist in internal medicine, diarrhea and constipation, explaining the causes and symptoms, and a detailed consequences and therapies. Also deals with Mr. Andre Daher, specialist assistant pharmacist, to the part simple therapeutic drug most often used in the two cases.What is diarrhea?
When the person does not suffer initially from speeches healthy, eating regularly and ingests the stomach, to turn to the remains after stool, get rid of it after taking the body needs food. Valbrz component of a certain amount of water, in addition to food scraps. However, the diarrhea problem lies in the fact that the amount of water more than food scraps.Says Dr. Assad oppressed «diarrhea are common health problem, which is often the case satisfactory evidence. When the human bowel movement for more than three to four times within twenty-four hours, and the stool «water», the problem is severe and in need of treatment, yet simple ».It is true that diarrhea is a common problem, and often go away by themselves after two days at the maximum, but sometimes may worsen to become serious in terms of know or do not know. The chronic diarrhea may be a sign of chronic disease.Causes of diarrhea
Multiple causes of diarrhea all lead to the same result. D say. Happiest oppressed: «diarrhea associated with the general and functional disorders affecting the intestine or colon. Perhaps the most common causes of suffering from this disease is picking parasites and microbes by eating food or water, as may be explained by some food poisoning ».On the other hand, there are some people who are unable to digest food components such as lactose in milk, or even gluten found in wheat and its derivatives. And consumption of such components in the food without knowing it, one is unable to take up, causing his diarrhea, over and over again.And can cause some types of drugs, antibiotics and anti-cancer drugs diarrhea.The intestinal diseases and inflammation in the colon and digestive disorders and functional bowel disorders, all of the causes of diarrhea.Some patients may experience this problem also after stomach surgery or removal of the gallbladder, for example. It may be a change in how fast the movement of food in the digestive system after surgery is the cause.Diarrhea due to travel
It should be noted that the diarrhea may be the result of travel! It is true that climates are changing and the weather changed in different countries, but the reason caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with bacteria or viruses Oalotfillat ... The problem occurs in developing countries than in industrial, starting with this type of traveler diarrhea.Accompany the symptoms of diarrhea
Dr. d. Happiest oppressed «diarrhea may be accompanied by stagnation, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, in addition to the urgent need to use the bathroom again and again».In more advanced cases, it may worsen and the patient suffers heat or the presence of blood in the stool.Serious consequences
Since the transient diarrhea condition, you may overlook some of them do not insist on treatment. But the danger exists even in the simplest problems. Here, d explains. Happiest oppressed «acute diarrhea is a risk to health and even to human life Andm lead to dehydration. Then the body loses a lot of fluids and essential minerals and mineral salts necessary for the performance of important functions in the body and activate the muscle ».So you must resort to the treatment immediately. Perhaps the most striking signs of suffering from dehydration are thirst, fatigue, lack of urination and the appearance of dark colored urine, dry mouth, tongue and skin.Prevention and treatments
Fluids are essential to the human body, so can not operate to public service in the body and muscles the right way without it.Explain d. Happiest oppressed: «It is true that diarrhea is not a risk in most cases, but may become so, you should if your doctor if it continues the case of diarrhea more than two days, or if you suffered a person severe pain in the abdomen or the presence of blood in the stool, or even drought.
For his part, says Mr. Andre Daher «must be a lot of drinking water and liquids, especially soups and broths which contain sodium, as well as juices. Should also eat a boiled like potatoes, rice, toast, muffins and bananas. And you should avoid raw vegetables, caffeine, dairy products, sweets and soft foods which contain high amount of fat, because they tend to increase diarrhea ». He adds: «must be self-monitoring, and after rehydration must also use some antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor to eliminate microbes».
And loneliness. Happiest oppressed «in serious cases, we may need to give the patient Omassala especially in the home to address the severe drought, may also introduce the hospital for treatment if aggravated the drought situation».
But in respect of the diarrhea that comes as a result of the travel and tourism, he says, d. Happiest oppressed: «can not simply consumption of contaminated food and water, in the sense not to use tap water (or tap) to drink, or non-consumption of unpasteurized milk and dairy products. Should also avoid raw fruits and vegetables and eat meat raw or cooked properly ».Shall not eat from street vendors carts and preferably going to restaurants known disregard of cleanliness and not eat anywhere.What is constipation?
Constipation is also a difficult situation experienced by the human, but it is not a disease but is the problem bother you and worried.
D say. Happiest oppressed «Constipation is the inability to defecate for more than two or three days in a row, or suffering from stool is difficult and harsh, dry».A condition that occurs when the colon absorbs too much water, the stool becomes a component of food debris and a small amount of water, causing it moves very slowly.Causes of constipation
Exhibitors from constipation symptoms and not the disease itself. Almost everyone going through the experience constipation at some point in their lives, and often the cause is malnutrition.Explain d. Happiest oppressed «The lack of drinking water, regular and adequate manner, in addition to not eating fiber in the diet significantly affect the incidence of constipation. Also suffering from problems in the glands or from problems in the colon or in the intestine may cause constipation. And some types of medicines and lack of physical activity, especially in the elderly are all of the reasons that lead to constipation ».Problems and complications
Does not show other symptoms accompanying constipation. But it may become a medical condition or be evidence of a malignant tumor in the colon.
Explain d. Happiest oppressed «The primary complications of constipation is the emergence of hemorrhoids. As a result, rectal bleeding may occur as they appear bright red dots on the surface of the stool. In the most serious consequences, it may bolt in the intestine, in the sense that changing the form of bowel, not because its wall Malesa and straight, leading to a proliferation of microbes inside. This situation can cause inflammation in the bowel and high fever and bleeding.Treatments by causes
The change of lifestyle and way of red tape and follow the diet studied, that eliminates the problem of simple constipation.
Dr. Assad oppressed gives practical tips to help relieve symptoms and prevent constipation, saying: «should be eating a balanced manner and to follow a diet rich in fiber, bran, any vegetables, whole grains and fresh fruit. Should also drink water and plenty of fluids. We must change the type of medications that cause constipation and replacing it with another similar in terms of treatment, but with the components do not lead to additional cases of constipation. Glands can be treated so as not to reflect negatively on the health of the intestine ». Therefore, you should visit a doctor for diagnosis and to find out the root cause to be disposed of after Wiczol case of constipation.
Stresses Mr. Andre Daher also: «treatments may not be tampered with and the experience of all that is recommended by the neighbors and parents because the wrong medication may lead to serious consequences and cause complications and serious health problems. Handled in a manner laxatives intensive and random would be detrimental, such as health and lead to severe diarrhea, or even to other diseases. It can also get used to the intestine using laxatives, no longer be able for indispensable, and this also generates a problem! Therefore, you should visit a doctor for proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment
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