Dieting and exercise
naima | 08:54 |
Healthy food
Dieting and exercise
How would you describe the relationship between diet and exercise?Diet and exercise go hand in hand and are complementary and can not neglect one of them.Many people have a misconception about dieting, which means that they drop out of food or reducing diets to the point where they feel a sharp fall in their body weights. While diet is the process of organizing food does not drop out of food, but what we eat and what we avoid it! This is not related to the amount especially if a person is familiar with a moderate amount, but the type of food we eat is it healthy or not.
The misconception, which I consider a bug ills, is that many people who come to the club ask me why do not we put a diet. And I coach that sport can not recommend a diet if it is not a metaphor in nutrition, because this medical field. And work in sports, especially in the field of personal exercises, must be based on a network of specialists including a doctor and dietitian and coach sports.Athletic training is the strongest and most important episode because is the most difficult for a person to the exercise, there are people who hate exercise to the point where prefer to gain weight and to do so. Therefore, the relationship between diet and exercises syndrome and meet at the final result.When a person is adequately trained and is well on the other hand chaotic in his diet will not be satisfactory results. But if it follows a healthy diet and exercise sport will have a strong muscles because they do not work in the form properly.
- Why ask some of their patients nutritionists lack of exercise in the first weeks of following a specific diet?There are many people who come to the club and say to me that the dietitian advised them not to exercise in the first week or the first three weeks of the diet. In my opinion there is no justification for this advice but it is better to correlate exercise and dieting.Perhaps the person who is subject to the Diet that the sport is practiced in the beginning slightly due to weak power it has. So it is better to practice the exercises cardio 3 to 4 times a week, walking, jogging, swimming or aerobics. There is moderate aerobics, which allows to obtain sufficient oxygen and ego - AirAnd Beck, and the difference between the two types that I practiced in the long run to lose weight, while the second exercised in a short time and exercises are intense and sharper in order to improve the heart muscles and improve your breathing.
So the walk is important because it sports an easy and accessible to everyone and do not require large or fitness for high ductility and high carrying capacity. But note here that walking may not be suitable for some people, for example, when walking on the road is entirely flat, ie, bumpy road or mountain where you can stumble stones, this is the way unhealthy for those who suffer an ankle problem or knee or back, and the ways that impose do not fit onto the person who suffers a problem in the spine because it requires the use of a great deal of back muscles, and if he has a weakness which may be adversely affected, causing Ojaa.The same applies to the road that require walking down, it affects the cruciate ligament in the body is because the weight on the knees. But walking remains the easiest sports to humans from the age of 5 years to 90 years.
I would advise the person who is suffering problems that try walking slow to be long term, meaning to take his time, and instead to finish the distance in half an hour can be performed by one hour on the way flat and rough terrain.
- What about the ECWA C?ECWA C is an exercise in smooth water. When you stand up and walk down the whole weight of our body to the skeleton and the strength of the body vertical, while in the water does not have the weight of the body itself. And movements that you have done depends on the flow resistance of water, which helps to carry heavy traffic and less strongly. ECWA and Jim does not require knowledge of swimming or to a person skilled swimmers, because this sport is practiced in the depth of water ranges between a meter and a meter and ten centimeters and up to the waist.
- What are the procedures to be followed when a person decides to exercise under the supervision of a personal trainer?When it comes to someone who wants to do exercises ask him to fill out a form to find out medical history and family, that is, whether a family member suffers a disease ...
That is, whether a family member suffers a hereditary disease. For example, ask if hair in a few days the pain in the heart or dizzy or interruption of breathing, or whether a family member injured by what is known as a deathOf a sudden. All this taken into account. In addition to this determines whether he has a pain in the muscles or bones, or nerves. After that we make what is known as The Fitness assessment testing Cardio-Vascular to see the number of pulses of the heart, then Strength Test to see the power of his muscles and Flexibility Test to see what is the level of flexibility in the body. Based on the information available that I have put a system mathematically suited his health, psychological, physical and mental, which helps in reaching the results are correct and secure.
- Does the exercise according to the age of the person?Of course, professional Variyadion relinquish in the best cases in the age of forty. So for each stage of the life cycle of certain exercises because the type of muscle is different as well as bone density and speed of metabolism Metabolism. For example, a person can be in the twenty-two hours to run at very high speed, while is in the forty hours may be required to walk. But there are exceptional cases, for example those who have undergone surgery specific, the one who puts Rka industrially does not have the same flexibility of the joint natural and therefore Vadaah of the movement is more difficult, but this does not prevent that continues after the treatment period in the practice of exercises to develop muscles and strengthens, until it reaches the stage does not feel the pain. Function of exercise so personal that every case of Tmarenha that take into account the person's health status on all levels.
- Stop some women from playing sports because of muscle hypertrophy have they do not want this appearance. Why amplified muscle?True for some women stop exercising the grounds that the muscles have ballooned. It is well known that the muscles of the body is heavier than fat, and when a woman begins a workout, after a long break, the body's muscles are stimulated Vtmr stage where short swells, but at the same time tightening and inflation occurs in fiber and perhaps this that appears in it. But this stage if it exercises good do not last long. As soon as you begin the process of losing weight by the loss of fat in the body will show the difference. So the lady not to be afraid if you notice swelling in the muscles of palpationM in the first phase of the exercise, because it is temporary. If they are considering exercise for a short time, it is useless. It is important not to lose weight, but it is important not to lose the muscles that must preserve and strengthen its rate in the body as a whole, and in return there must be a shortage of the amount of grease and fat in the body, this will not happen in a short period.
- Said he may not exercise during the submission of the meetings of slimming machines. Is this concept correct?It is not true at all that it is not permissible to exercise through submission of the meetings that are slimming supplement help to get rid of grease and cellulite especially in women, but it's not the foundation, but sports and diet are the foundation of health to lose weight. Can be assisted by a person with these instruments, but in return must be all the muscles in the best case and all internal organs of the body work in the form of sound. Human and therefore feel psychological comfort. I ask people not to Atkloa only on these machines. Cellulite is fat and disposal of the sport. Machines complement the work of sport, but it is not the solution for successful weight loss, do not take the place of sports and diet.
- What are the causes of weight loss in some people, despite their practice of sport in the form of capacitor?Sports are not seasonally active as usually happens, ...What usually happens, for example, with frequent summer season approaches, many sports clubs in order to obtain svelte strength during the summer and this error, and for this reason do not get Mptgahm, while you should be RayyanMens lifestyle and daily routine. If the body Khanth in the food and lifestyle you restore the health of treason and decayed many diseases. So when you should start practicing exercises to think about what gets a person in the long run, Variyadion professionals need years to get the results you expect. All depends on the Rights on the exercise of declining fitness, and enough to play sports twice to three times a week for life to be in good health, away from diseases and pains.
- There are many who do not like to exercise indoors. Why advises these people?I advise them to walk or jog or swim or ride a bike and all types of water sports as well as tennis and basketball. Sport is not only a sports center, but is an activity we do wherever we are present.
- Is the saying «dine and walk» correct?Any time a person can practice the exercise is a good time but may not exercise after eating a fatty meal, this method is useful because man will not be able to perform exercises properly, it is felt heavily in the stomach and will not move in the form of sound. So I would advise to do exercise three hours after eating a meal that is, when the stomach is empty so no one feels uncomfortable. But the morning is the best sport because it raises the metabolic rate during the day and continue up and helps in burning thermal units even after the end of the exercise. However, since the life imposed on the people exercise in the afternoon, the stomach is empty after three hours of lunch and they can become in practice, so it is best to Eetmrnoa before dinner because your metabolism is fast.
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