Kidney disease and diabetes
naima | 09:14 |
The digestive system
Kidney disease and diabetes
Diabetes was known from ancient times and lived with humans for thousands of years but the prevalence has increased in modern times as it became the top list of diseases that affect humans with high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, especially in the most urbanized societies for the following reasons:
A great progress in medical science and to identify the many diseases has increased the age of the people, and possible eradication of many infectious diseases.
2 rapid pace of today's civilization and the precise work that is accompanied by intense anxiety and tension.
3 the high level of civilization of the times caused reduction in body movement due to modern inventions CAR, elevator and sit in front of the TV for hours, limiting human activity and movement.
4 today's civilization and the abundance of food, especially fats and sweets and the diversity of cooking and add flavorings, color and odor increased the over-eating.
5 progress and prosperity and high standard of living has led to increased smoking in its different forms, this shows that diabetes is a deficiency in the internal structure of the body reveal imaginative era (Kaltotr, anxiety and lack of exercise and frequent use of drugs and chemicals), which leads to complications affecting other body organs, including kidney Considering that the kidneys of the vital organs necessary for survival, and diabetes takes new forms, different forms have a direct impact on the fabric of the college or on the veins leading to a rise in blood pressure or incidence of chronic inflammation of the urethra, and may end up the patient after several years of infection failed functions of the kidney with a rise in the proportion of urea and creatinine levels in the blood
Q 1: What are the ratios of the natural sugar in the blood?A: In human blood about a teaspoon of sugar around (5 grams sugar) is equal to approximately 1 g each and every one liter of blood. Which is equivalent to 80 120 ml / g per 100 cc of blood.This quantity, although I have said it plays an important role for the continuation of life they are used as fuel for power generation primarily in that it provides about 50% of the total energy required for the body, is essential because there are some members of the human body can not dispense with glucose as energy, such as brain cells , and red blood cells and kidney cells that need energy giant of glucose for the continuation of their work seems so obvious, it may be easy to treat coma caused by the growing proportion of sugar in the blood, and the lack of sugar for 50% milligrams per 100 cc of blood is fatal may lead to death.
Q 2: What are the ratios to the presence of natural sugar in the urine?A: In cases of natural healthy body there is no trace of sugar in the urine during the day in the morning or evening because the college has full capacity to absorb sugar as a whole after the nomination of candidates kidney and the ability of faculty to be urine free from sugar as long as the blood nourishing her sugar by does not exceed 180 milligrams per 100 cc As for what more than that, the kidneys can not absorb, and it appears in the urine, therefore, the presence of sugar in the blood of more than 180 ms means that there is sugar in the urine.
Q 3: Is it possible the emergence of sugar in the urine with that percentage in the blood normal?A: Yes, sugar may appear in the urine with the rate of blood in normal and in the case of an imbalance in the functions of natural College as the kidneys do not have the ability to absorb the sugar in its entirety.
Q 4: What are the symptoms of high blood sugar?A: 1 thirst with dry mouth and throat in cases of severe high blood sugar2 increasing the volume of urine than usual and frequent urination.3 lack of body weight in a short time despite an increase in appetite4 a feeling of weakness and fatigue5 with dizziness in the consideration of the difficulty of determining the focus of6 pain with numbness parties
Q 4: What are the complications of diabetes on the kidneys?A: The importance and seriousness of diabetes in the many complications that can affect all organs and tissues of the body, either directly or indirectly, and therefore called on the name of the sugar (disease complications) on the basis that the large increase with the severity of its complications.And kidney of the most vulnerable members of the complications of diabetes and diabetic kidney are affected in three ways:A hardening of the kidney filters, which increases constantly and ends with the destruction of these filters2 narrow kidney arteries (hardening of the arteries of the kidneys), leading to a lack of nourishing blood flow to the College.3 and the large number of kidney inflammation of the urethra.Among the most important of these complications hardening filters kidney that usually occurs in diabetics young as affects sclerosis about 30% of patients, and it happens gradually, where tags appear after about 15 25 years of diabetes, and not necessary given that the rate of fall when you adjust the sugar and patient care.
Q 5: What is the relationship affected by the total sugar?A: 1 In addition to the presence of a high percentage of sugar in the urine and the date of patients with long notes the emergence of albumin in the urine and the loss of the ability to prevent him from landing in order to hardening of the refinery begins the tension in the body and especially of the eyelids in the morning and on the feet at the end of the day.2 high blood pressure for renal secretion of hormones with a significant impact in raising the blood pressure in the inevitably of the college to increase their efficiency.3 appearance of pus in the urine frequently, which means there is inflammation of the college or the urethra.4 marks start of kidney failure and shortcomings as evidenced by the high proportion of urea and creatinine levels in the blood.
Q 6: Do you hit the complications that occur in the kidneys due to higher sugar all diabetics?A: These changes are affecting more people with diabetes who need insulin injections constantly, which always occurs at an early age (under thirty years) and long after the onset of the disease ranging from 15 to 25 years, and this represents about 30% of patients. Those who can be treated with oral disk with stimulating the pancreas to secrete insulin, the numbers are usually less and older
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